Light, Life and Love - January Meditation Intensive Day and Retreat

If you are interested in exploring the path between Light and Love join us this January for a deep dive. First we offer a one day Meditation Intensive and then we are following up with a Weekend Residential Retreat. Take a deep dive into meditation with us —clearing the dust from your mirror. We will be featuring The Ultimate Alchemy, discourses by Osho.

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Integration Sessions Do Help!

If you are curious about scheduling a Compassionate-Inquiry based integration session with me this post might help you understand a bit about how I work with my clients. If you re struggling to integrate a pschedelic or retreat experience and/or any life-changing event my integration sessions can help you unravel, unwind and embody whatever teachings you are earnestly trying to grapple with. I am always deeply touched and honored to assist my clients as they show up for themselves int his way.

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The Felt Sense: Key to Healing and Awareness

The felt sense is a doorway to healing, inner knowing, awareness, and more presence. Its illusory because we have forgotten the language of the body and are conditioned to turn our conscious awareness to our thinking mind and its interpretation of outer cues. One of the reasons I am so passionate about Compassionate inquiry is because the sessions create a safe space for the felt sense to become a familiar and powerful tool toward healing and presence. I have witnessed time and again how healing and empowering this is for my clients and for myself.


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Kundalini Yoga Essentials

In preparation for my Kundalini essentials three-class series I have been thinking about my own kundalini yoga practice and how it has helped me on all levels – physical, emotional, and spiritual.  By using this ancient science of yoga over the last decade I have indeed strengthened my body and increased my flexibility and developed a discipline of practice that is good for my overall physical health. However, this is really just the tip of the iceberg in terms of the actual manifestations of this practice in my life.


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Atisha's Heart Meditation

This meditation comes from Atisha, The Thrice Great. It is a beautiful meditation for people who want to transform negative thoughts and emotions and experience the spaciousness and compassion of their heart. The heart has great transformational power, it can change any fear, worry, pain or suffering into love and heal your troubled mind.

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Atisha the Thrice Great

Who is Atisha and why are we inviting you to explore his seven points of mind training this January at our weekend meditation retreat, January 20 -22, 2023? Atisha is most commonly known for bringing Buddhism to Tibet and for his Heart Meditation, where we breath in the suffering of others into our hearts holding it there until it transforms into compassion on the exhale.

We will take a deep dive into these seven point together this January. You will deepen your understanding of meditation and have these tools to take home with you. Applying them on the daily to bring more awareness, understanding and compassion into your being - for yourself and for all beings. Join Us!

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On Meditation and Integration

integration is the key to embodying all the work that we do to heal and become more aware. Through meditation and self inquiry we can integrate our understandings through our beings rather than our minds. Experiencing integration is a key intention for our January meditation retreat as we use meditation, inquiry and medicine to understand our experiences of who we are and who we are NOT.

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What is Compassionate Inquiry?

Compassionate Inquiry is a form of inquiry work developed by Dr. Gabor Maté to help people come out of their past adaptive behaviors and patterns, which no longer serve them —to heal and ultimately come into acceptance and presence.

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Integrating 2020 - its been a wild ride.

2020 has been a wild ride for me and I am just now finding some clarity. From the Yogi Bhajan Kundalini yoga crisis in late January to the virus to the social and political upheaval to trying something new and away from all this - I am just now back and rewriting my book to reflect what I have learned just now. Second edition coming November 1. Sending love to all and I would love to hear about how you are intgrating during his time.

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