Banish Anxiety and Negativity With This Quick Meditation

The negative mind is a powerful tool that keeps us safe from danger. In yogic traditions it is one of three minds that make up the healthy human mind along with the positive and neutral mind. In brief, when the negative and positive minds are out of balance we tend to also be out of balance. When these two tools are in balance we then can access and come form our neutral minds.

When the negative mind is out of balance due to trauma, pain, a feeling of disconnection, etc., then negative thoughts can take on a life of their own and it can be hard to understand that they are not real and not YOU! Moreover, the more negative your thought patterns, the more likely you experience more negative emotions, such as fear, anger, and hate - which can lead to anxiety and or panic attacks. Balancing these negative thoughts and feelings is key to your overall health and ability to be present. Thanks to the transmissions from yogis over the millennia, there are meditations that can help transform and rebalance the negative mind. you can rely on.

Clearing your subconscious of negativity and bringing it into balance will help you transform your life. The truth is that we all struggle from time to time. That is part of being human on this plane. However, how you address the hard times will determine whether you learn and grow from them or stagnate and regress. Growth is the key to moving through to the other side and of course it takes work and commitment. Choosing to regularly follow a meditation practice is the key to unlocking your inner calm, joy, and presence. It’s that simple. Here is a simple meditation you can do for 11 minutes a day if you suffer form anxiety or a constant stream of negative self - talk. I suggest you do it for at least seven days in a row for 11 minutes. Ideally if you struggle with negativity doing this meditation for 40 days is really helpful.

Benefits of This Meditation

  • Reduce Anxiety

  • Banish negative feelings

  • Unleash your inner positivity

  • Experience more clarity

  • Transform your thoughts

  • Rid yourself of fear and hate

  • Encourage calm and tranquility

  • Empower yourself

  • Shield yourself from harm

  • Encourage mindfulness

How to do This Meditation

Ready to balance that negative mind? This quick meditation for negativity takes between 11 and 31 minutes. Here’s everything you need to know to get started.


  1. Start by sitting in Easy Pose or any position that is comfortable for you.

  2. Put your hands out in front of you with the palms facing upward. Cup your hands together with your right hand resting gently on top of the left. Ensure that your fingers are crossing.

  3. Keep your elbows as relaxed as possible by your side. Bring the cupped hand position up to your heart center before you begin the meditation process.

  4. Fix your eyes down onto your hands and keep them slightly open.

  5. Inhale as deeply as you can through the nose. Next, exhale through rounded lips. Your breath should be a constant flow when you are breathing out. You should feel the breath go over your hands.

  6. Repeat this breathing process throughout the entire meditation, from between 11 to 31 minutes, depending on your personal needs.

  7. As you breathe in, allow any thoughts (negative, fearful, etc)) to pass through your mind. When you breathe out, you should also expel that thought.

  8. To end: Exhale completely and suspend your breath out.

  9. Inhale and then exhale completely. Repeat this action between three and five times. Finally, relax completely.

Tip: When you first start practicing this meditation, you may find it challenging to maintain it for 11 minutes. Take things at your own pace and work into it if necessary. It is helpful and supportive to play music while doing this practice. One suggestion is to use Ra Ma Da Sa, which is a very healing mantra.

Any meditative music will support and it's nice to have an 11 minute track planned out to begin and then add as you add time to the meditation.Here is a link to this mantra to use in your practice if you’d like to try it:

See also: 3 Minute Meditation For Emotional Balance

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