Why Mother Ache - Free To Be

Why do I call my healing process mother ache?


For indeed, there are other more popular and well known terms used by psychologists who focus their practice on helping women heal what is generically called the mother wound or mother hunger. I use the term mother ache™ because for me the most painful and difficult part of healing around our maternal lineage is the ache that we as women feel for the unconditional love that we needed from our mothers, as daughters. Our mothers hurt us because of their own unconscious patterns and experiences and we internalized this pain, we then bare it and pass on down, until we heal it. Beyond that wound embedded even deeper within the fibers of our beings, there is an ache which I understand as a longing that is even more painful on a subtle-body level. When we heal our maternal wound, we also want to satisfy that ache or longing for unconditional love and acceptance we want to feel it ourselves and for ourselves. Free to be. The journey is an inner journey to realize that that unconditional love does not come from outside of us but comes from within and we access it as we heal and connect to our bodies’ wisdom. When we connect with our hearts which we have shut down to avoid the ache – we connect with our own love and realize that love is not only our birthright but our true nature - who we are.

“God created the child

that is your wanting

so that it might cry out

so that milk might come

cry out

don't be stolid and silent

with your pain


 and let the milk

of loving

flow into you.”


Healing the unwritten maternal story that is a part of our ancestral lineage is a unique journey home to self - and I would be honored to be your sacred steward and help you understand and alchemize into healing and wholeness. I offer a 90-minute initial exploration session. Reach out now.



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