Re-Weaving Maternal Love by Healing the Mother Wound

Re-Weaving Maternal Love by Healing the Mother Wound

Imperfect Maternal Love creates what is called in psychology circles a mother wound. This is the never-ending heart ache that cuts right to the core of you. When our core needs such as the need to belong and be connected; to feel safe and appreciated; to be worthy of love and respect, are not met it creates a hole in us that affects all aspects of our lives. When these needs are not met, there is deep pain that resides in the body, mind and soul that permeates the way we as women move in the world.

Your mother’s wound could have been caused by your mother not being present at all or being unable to love and accept you for who you are.

The wound cuts deepest when your mother was and usually continues to be critical or emotionally unavailable or even abusive. This creates confusion and conflict within you as you still hold onto the ideal that maternal love is well meaning and important to your very survival instincts.

A mother’s primary role is of course to take care of a daughter’s physical needs, but perhaps equally important is to nurture, sooth and regulate her child. When this does not happen in childhood, it leaves a myriad of adaptive behaviors and core beliefs that center on being unworthy of love and not good enough. 

A Mother Wound is often part of a woman’s maternal lineage as mothers are capable of only giving what they know and have experienced themselves—unhealed mothers, unhealed daughters.

My work centers on helping women first identify and then heal their wounds so that we can then break the cycle of this unconscious pain thereby helping you heal your maternal lineage. In doing so we heal not only ourselves but the generations of women that came before and the generations to follow.


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