Deva Arani

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Integration comes from Acceptance

Integration is an acceptance and being with whatever is there without judgement and subsequent tension within the body-mind-spirit flow.


It results from the understanding that everything is perfect and could not be otherwise. There is a deep relaxation that can occur with this Acceptance. Start there. Whatever experience you have had is now working in all channels/parts of your being, not just your mind that is wanting answers now.


Acceptance is the door through which all healing manifests. It is the understanding that your experience and all parts of you are just that – parts that make up a bigger whole and that this bigger whole is perfect.  All parts, even the angry, bitter, jealous, fearful, or vulnerable parts are needed and welcome in our beings as they too are our teachers and friends. These friends were once our survival mechanisms and they kept us alive when our experiences were too big for our tiny selves to manage. Acceptance leads to compassion and self compassion is the only doorway to compassion for others.